Our Magento integration will provide access to 3 features: the product catalog, the customer success tab and the wishbag (which is a cart + checkout). For the first two features, AMAZD needs to access to your (1) Magento Store API, while for the wishbag you will need to (2) install a plugin. Read on for more information for both of these.

(1) API access

There are 2 ways how we can get the proper access.

Option 1

Admin credentials (recommended)

The simplest method to give us access to the API is to setup a new admin account and give us the username and password.

Option 2

Auth token

To create an integration token visit:

Admin sidebar → System → Extensions → Integrations → Add new integration.

Type a new name in the integration info tab then go to the API tab and select the following checkboxes:

-----[X] View
----[X] Products
----[X} Categories
---[X] All customers
---[X] Manage carts
----[X]Catalog price rules
----[X]Cart price rules
----[X] Stocks
----[X] Product
----[X] Attribute set

Click Save and open the list of integrations, click Activate and then "Authorize". Copy the access token and then go to:

Admin sidebar → Stores → Settings → Configuration → Services (sidebar) → OAuth → Consumer settings → Allow OAuth Access Tokens to be used as standalone Bearer tokens → Set Yes → Save config

Send the token to your AMAZD success manager.

(2) Checkout plugin

Option 1

To create a seamless shopper experience we have created a Magento plugin that will need to be installed before you can use the wishbag. Below you can find the link to the repository, which contains all the information needed for installation:


Option 2

Alternatively, you can also simply install the AMAZD integration app from the Magento Marketplace here:
